MacPhail Breaking The Glass Ceiling At Palacio

Sire:  MacPhail From Rex Autem Spiritus (called Rexx)
Dam: GCH MacPhail What Ever M’Lady Wants DCAT CGCA TKN ATT HA2  (Called Bean)
Whelped: 1/28/2024

AKC Reg#: RN40234105         SCWTdb ID: 105848
Health testing: PLN 0/0, DM0/0, MO-SCWT Clear

Sapphire is  one of our newest puppies. She has started showing in the 4 to 6month competition. She has a lot of spirit and thinks quite well of herself!! Her secret nickname is Spitfire! She is quite a beauty and we are so proud of her.

WOW WB and Best of Opposite Sex for 3 pt major at 6 1/2 months!!! AND in Union Maine Aug 31 2024 Sapphire took BOB and Group 4 !! On a roll!!


Pedigree of “SAPPHIRE”

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

MacPhail From Rex Autem Spiritus

CAD CH Mackanme From All Around CH Tara I Get Around
CH Mackanme Glory Hallelujah
GCH Mackanme A Wicked Good Tale RATN HA2 CH Marymore Hot Pepper Jack HA2
CH Mackanme Tale of Bodasca

GCH MacPhail What Ever M’Lady Wants DCAT CGCA TKN ATT HA2

CAD CH Mackanme Iulius Planus Uva Moscato INT IT CH Cameron Brilliant
Iulius Planus Arancina
GCHB MacPhail Wicked Good Tale HA4 US CAD CH Mackanme Foreign Affair V. Bodasca
CAD US CH Mackanme Tale of Bodasca